Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 1 of Fall Soap Team for Bramble Berry

8/24/11  Was so excited that fragrances arrived! Spent the afternoon sniffing them to see what they were. I really love number 3 which smells like strawberry/banana and number 1 like berries. Had a really hard time placing some of them. You know what it is but you just can't place it. That part was frustrating. I even got my mom, sister and daughter to smell them to see what they would say. #2 is definitely a brain teaser for us. We know what it is but just can't place it. #4 we all agree will make a nice lady's perfume. I thought of #5 as a floral and my sister said strong perfume. Mom agreed with me and that was a nice change. #6 Mom & I thought it might have top notes of Jasmine and would make a good lady's slap. My sister left that one blank. #8 we all agree is Cedarwood so we will make that into a soap for men. #7 Mom & I thought it would be a good unisex soap but my sister thinks a men's shaving soap as it reminds her of men's aftershave. Well guess that's it for categorizing them but we'll know more as we play with them. Anyway it was a blast just to do that. I am really enjoying this and so is my sister who is my business partner.

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